Startin' up...

 Ever been asked that age old question? "Mom, What's for dinner?" Or, "Hun, what do you want to do for dinner?" "That does it", you say to yourself, "I quit". It suddenly feels like this pressure of...crap, I have to cook? What am I going to make? What do we have? Do I need to go to the store?  Why does this happen everyday? Well, people gotta eat. I know so many people that ask each other what their family is doing/planning for dinner just to help themselves get ideas, that I thought this might be a good time to spread my thoughts, advise, and help. As I was leaving work today I smelled that familiar smell of someone's leftovers reheating in the microwave. What is that? Peppers? Onions? Beef? I wonder what they had for dinner last night? So I decided this was what I could do to help. I'd love for everyone to get involved too. It might help that struggling person who is at their wits end trying to decide what to do for dinner. 


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