
Showing posts from October, 2023

It's Football Time

So it's football time. As I say it's foodtime!! I make certain foods during the winter. One of them is fried chicken tenders and popcorn chicken...I made it outside this time cuz boy does it make a mess...I also made a side of homemade mac-&-cheese. My son who was headed out to play football needed protein and couldn't wait for me to finish cooking made himself some eggs on the run. He made a seasoning mix that was pretty delicious!! He gets that from me! Cuz my oldest is the same way! 

Sunday Dinner - Mexican

Mexican food can be made so many ways, you can make all kinds of sides and then everyone can make their own exactly how they like. I made ground beef, roasted corn (4 an hour in the oven) homemade Pico de Gallo, sliced avocado, cheese, rice & refried beans. It was delicious. My youngest likes beef and cheese only. My husband everything plus some then his burrito won't wrap! Lol

Burger Nite

I recently saw someone make a sandwich by mixing all the ingredients together, chopping it up, before putting it on a hoagie bun. So I took that concept and made a lettuce, pickle, tomato, mayo, mustard salad. Mixing it up and putting it on my burger... So good!! 

Pork loin + crockpot=delish

I have the great opportunity to work from home on occasion and I say, take full advantage of that time! I defrosted a preseasoned pork loin ($7) added my own seasonings and let it sit for 7 hours. Holy tenderness Batman! I made some green beans and instant mashed potatoes and Bam! Dinner is served!